
Amendment in United Kingdom

Definition of Amendment

In accordance with the work A Dictionary of Law, this is a description of Amendment :

1. Changes made to legislation, for the purpose of adding to, correcting, or modifying the operation of the legislation

2. Changes made to the *statement of case used in civil litigatio Changes in the parties’ knowledge of the case as it proceeds may require alterations in the claim form, defence, or other documents. For example, an amendment will be necessary in order to add the name of a second defendant to the claim. On occasion, errors need to be corrected. The Civil Procedure Rules make clear that amendments may be allowed (1) with the consent of all parties, (2) with the permission of the court, or (3) in the absence of consent and without the court’s permission, provided the amendment is made before the claim is served. The court may impose the penalty of costs on the party seeking the amendment if this has been made necessary by negligence. Not every minor development in the litigation, however, needs to be reflected in an amendment, only those changes that will have a real effect on the litigation

3. An alteration of a *treaty adopted by the consent of the *high contracting parties and intended to be binding upon all such parties. An amendment may involve either individual provisions or a complete review of the treaty.







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