
Commonwealth in United Kingdom

Definition of Commonwealth

In accordance with the work A Dictionary of Law, this is a description of Commonwealth: (Commonwealth, British Commonwealth) n. A voluntary association consisting of the UK and many of its former colonies or dependencies (e.g. protectorates) that have attained full independence and are recognized by international law as separate countries. The earliest to obtain independence (e.g. Canada and Australia) did so by virtue of the Statute of Westminster 1931, but the majority have been granted it individually by subsequent Independence Acts. Some (such as Canada and Australia) are still technically part of the Crown’s dominions; others (e.g. India) have become republics. All accept the Crown as the symbol of their free association and the head of the Commonwealth.


by Francis Bennion

Doubts about the constitutionality of the Queen’s speech in support of the new Charter of the
Commonwealth cannot be dismissed as airily as Libby Purves (11 March 2013) would have
us believe. On controversial questions the Head of the Commonwealth is supposed to act only
on political advice. It is clear from the researches reported by Ms Purves that, if asked, the
governments of many Commonwealth countries would strongly advise Her Majesty not to
speak in support of a document which, as Ms Purves puts it, says in effect that the
Commonwealth is implacably opposed to all forms of discrimination against women
generally, or against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. Presumably these
governments were not asked.

In Britain we may well regret that such is the case, and urge such countries to change what we
consider to be their backward social policies. That is not the point. The actual point is that it
can only endanger the Commonwealth if it promulgates opinions on social issues with which
a substantial number of the member states profoundly disagree.

Source: Head of Commonwealth must act only on advice, Published unchanged in The Times 12 March 2013

Meaning of Commonwealth

The following is an old definition of Commonwealth [1]: The common or public weal: the republic; the state, or a State; the people, gg. v. ” The commonwealth or public polity of the kingdom.” Blackstone also wrote it “commonwealth.” The legal title of a few of the States, as of Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Virginia.


Notes and References

  1. Concept of Commonwealth provided by the Anderson Dictionary of Law (1889) (Dictionary of Law consisting of Judicial Definitions and Explanations of Words, Phrases and Maxims and an Exposition of the Principles of Law: Comprising a Dictionary and Compendium of American and English Jurisprudence; William C. Anderson; T. H. Flood and Company, Law Publishers, Chicago, United States)







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