Supported Businesses

Supported Businesses in the United Kingdom

Supported Businesses in Scotland

Scotland has a well–established history of creating supported businesses – some have been in existence for over 150 years and there are currently 15 supported businesses in operation. These businesses provide sustainable employment for around 1,100 people in Scotland of whom around 65 per cent are people with disabilities. The skills and expertise of the workforce are exceptional – providing high quality, competitive goods and services.

Why are supported businesses important?

The value of on-going employment, training, social interaction and mentoring offered to people with disabilities is central in enabling them to become more independent and active in the workplace and their communities. The Scottish supported business sector has a turnover of more than £35 million each year and provides a wide range of high quality products coupled with a strong ethos of customer service to both the public and private sector.

Supported Business Framework

In October 2012 the Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Infrastructure, Investment and Cities, Nicola Sturgeon, welcomed a new national Framework Agreement that makes it easier for Scottish public bodies to buy from supported businesses.

Supported businesses in the framework can supply a range of products including furniture, document management, textiles and signage, helping to grow their business and create jobs.

Legislation and supported businesses

It is the Scottish Government’s policy that every public body should have at least one contract with a supported business. Individuals and organisations are strongly encouraged to investigate the breadth and quality of services and goods on offer, as this is a sector we should be proud to support.







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