Tag: Estates

  • Tenure

    Definition of Tenure A right of holding or occupying land for a certain period of time. Tenure and Medieval Law Tenure and Legal History Meaning of Tenure The following is an old definition of Tenure [1]: Holding; possession. See Tenere. Tenure of land. The manner of possessing land held of a […]

  • Tenure

    Definition of Tenure A right of holding or occupying land for a certain period of time. Tenure and Medieval Law Tenure and Legal History Meaning of Tenure The following is an old definition of Tenure [1]: Holding; possession. See Tenere. Tenure of land. The manner of possessing land held of a […]

  • Equity

    Definition of Equity In accordance with the work A Dictionary of Law, this is a description of Equity : 1. That part of English law originally administered by the *Lord Chancellor and later by the *Court of Chancery, as distinct from that administered by the courts of *common law. The common […]

  • Equity

    Definition of Equity In accordance with the work A Dictionary of Law, this is a description of Equity : 1. That part of English law originally administered by the *Lord Chancellor and later by the *Court of Chancery, as distinct from that administered by the courts of *common law. The common […]

  • Coparceners

    English Law: Coparceners in the Past people on whom lands of inheritance descend from their ancestor. According to the English law, there must be no males; that is no the rule in the United States of America. Vide Estates in Coparcenary and 4 Kent, Com. 262; 2 Bouv. Inst. n. 187 L-2. […]

  • Coparceners

    English Law: Coparceners in the Past people on whom lands of inheritance descend from their ancestor. According to the English law, there must be no males; that is no the rule in the United States of America. Vide Estates in Coparcenary and 4 Kent, Com. 262; 2 Bouv. Inst. n. 187 L-2. […]

  • Treble Costs

    English Law: Treble Costs in the Past Remedies Note: for more information on remedies, the corresponding entry in this U.K. encyclopedia. By treble costs, in the English law, is understood, 1st. There is further information on this topic in this legal reference. The usual taxed costs. 2d. […]

  • Manor

    English Law: Manor in the Past This word is derived from the French manoir and signifies, a house, residence or habitation. At present its meaning is more enlarged and includes not only a dwelling-house, but also lands. Vide Co. Litt. 58, 108; 2 Roll. Ab. 121 Merl. Repert. mot Manoir. See […]

  • Manor

    English Law: Manor in the Past This word is derived from the French manoir and signifies, a house, residence or habitation. At present its meaning is more enlarged and includes not only a dwelling-house, but also lands. Vide Co. Litt. 58, 108; 2 Roll. Ab. 121 Merl. Repert. mot Manoir. See […]

  • Court of Probate

    Definition of Court of Probate In accordance with the work A Dictionary of Law, this is a description of Court of Probate : A court created in 1857 to take over the jurisdiction formerly exercised by the ecclesiastical courts in relation to the granting of probate and letters of […]

  • Court of Probate

    Definition of Court of Probate In accordance with the work A Dictionary of Law, this is a description of Court of Probate : A court created in 1857 to take over the jurisdiction formerly exercised by the ecclesiastical courts in relation to the granting of probate and letters of […]

  • Subinfeudation

    English Law: Subinfeudation in the Past The act of an inferior lord by which he carved out a part of an estate which he held of a superior and granted it to an inferior tenant (see more about this popular legal topic in the U.K. encyclopedia) to be held of himself. Developments It was an…

  • Probate Will

    Most Popular Entries related to Probate Will Wills Trusts and Probate (in the United Kingdom) Information Wills Probate (in the United Kingdom) Legal Questions Trusts (in the United Kingdom) Legal Questions Wills (in the United Kingdom) Legal Advice Probate (in the United Kingdom) Legal […]

  • Probate Will

    Most Popular Entries related to Probate Will Wills Trusts and Probate (in the United Kingdom) Information Wills Probate (in the United Kingdom) Legal Questions Trusts (in the United Kingdom) Legal Questions Wills (in the United Kingdom) Legal Advice Probate (in the United Kingdom) Legal […]

  • Estate Planning Documents

    Most Popular Entries related to Estate Planning Documents Estate Planning (in the United Kingdom) Estate Planning Checklist (in the United Kingdom) Estate Planning Trusts (in the United Kingdom) Estate Planning Basics (in the United Kingdom) Estate Planning Documents (in the United […]