Tag: Cyber Law
Definition of Copyright In accordance with the work A Dictionary of Law, this is a description of Copyright : The exclusive right to reproduce or authorize others to reproduce artistic, dramatic, literary, or musical works. It is conferred by the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, which […]
Definition of Copyright In accordance with the work A Dictionary of Law, this is a description of Copyright : The exclusive right to reproduce or authorize others to reproduce artistic, dramatic, literary, or musical works. It is conferred by the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, which […]
Public Sector Information
Public Sector Information Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015 The EU Directive on the Re-use of Public Sector Information, adopted by the European Union in June 2013, was implemented and transposed into UK law as the Re-use of Public Sector Regulations 2015. The 2015 Regulations are in force from 18 July 2015. The Public…
Consumer Protection
Definition of Consumer Protection In accordance with the work A Dictionary of Law, this is a description of Consumer Protection : The protection, especially by legal means, of consumers (those who contract otherwise than in the course of a business to obtain goods or services from those who […]
Diversity data in relation with the Courts and Tribunals in England The Judicial Appointments Commission (JAC), a non-departmental public body, publishes a bulletin of Official Statistics, covering the diversity profile of selection exercises twice a year. The period 1 April 2014 to 30 […]
Data Protection
Definition of Data Protection In accordance with the work A Dictionary of Law, this is a description of Data Protection : Safeguards relating to personal data, i.e. personal information about individuals that is stored on a computer and on relevant manual filing systems. The principles of data […]
Definition of Fraud In accordance with the work A Dictionary of Law, this is a description of Fraud : A false representation by means of a statement or conduct made knowingly or recklessly in order to gain a material advantage. If the fraud results in injury to the deceived party, he may claim […]
Definition of Hacking In accordance with the work A Dictionary of Law, this is a description of Hacking : Gaining unauthorized access to a computer system. This is a summary offence under the Computer Misuse Act 1990. Under this Act it is also an offence, triable summarily or on indictment, to […]
Domain Name
Definition of Domain Name In accordance with the work A Dictionary of Law, this is a description of Domain Name : An Internet address, which may be protected under *trade mark law.
Domain Name
Definition of Domain Name In accordance with the work A Dictionary of Law, this is a description of Domain Name : An Internet address, which may be protected under *trade mark law.
Internet and Cybercrime
Resources See Also Further Reading Internet and Cybercrime in the Encyclopedia of Britain Internet and Cybercrime in the Osborn's Concise Law Dictionary Internet and Cybercrime in the Halsbury's Laws of England Internet and Cybercrime in the Stroud's Judicial Dictionary of Words […]
Health Records
Definition of Health Records In accordance with the work A Dictionary of Law, this is a description of Health Records : Records kept by the National Health Service about patients. Under the Access to Health Records Act 1990, from 1 November 1991 most patients were given the right to see their […]
Distance Selling
Definition of Distance Selling In accordance with the work A Dictionary of Law, this is a description of Distance Selling : The sale of goods or services to a consumer in which the parties do not meet, such as sale by mail order, telephone, digital TV, email, or the Internet. The EU distance […]
Pornography Attitudes Toward Pornography Introduction to Pornography Attitudes toward pornography generally can be classified into one of four major perspectives: conservative, feminist, postmodern, and liberal. Tensions among these viewpoints have only increased with the quantum leap in […]
Right to Be Forgotten
The European Court of Justice (ECJ) The European Court of Justice decision to uphold the Spanish data protection regulator’s initial ruling against Google – who were asked to remove the index and stop any future access to the digitised newspaper article by searching for the individual’s […]