List of Encyclopedia britannica´s articles related to Law

List of Encyclopedia britannica´s articles related to Law in United Kingdom

2007 Macropedia:

  • Business law: The body of rules, whether by convention, agreement, or national or international legislation, governing the dealings between persons in commercial matters.
  • Computer crime
  • Constitutional law
  • Crime and Punishment
  • Criminal law
  • Environmental law
  • Family law
  • Human rights
  • Inheritance
  • International law
  • Judicial and Alternative dispute resolution
  • Accounting
  • Business organization
  • Insurance
  • International trade
  • Marx and Marxism
  • Work and Employment
  • Land reform and tenure


Current Terms

These include the following:

  • Roman law: The law of ancient Rome from the time of the founding of the city in 753 bce until the fall of the Western Empire in the 5th century ce.
  • criminal law: The body of law that defines criminal offenses, regulates the apprehension, charging, and trial of suspected persons, and fixes penalties and modes of treatment ..
  • philosophy of law: The formulation of concepts and theories to aid in understanding the nature of law, the sources of its authority, and its role in society.
  • civil law (Romano-Germanic): The law of continental Europe, based on an admixture of Roman, Germanic, ecclesiastical, feudal, commercial, and customary law. …
  • law code (law): A more or less systematic and comprehensive written statement of laws. Law codes were compiled by the most ancient peoples.
  • common law: The body of customary law, based upon judicial decisions and embodied in reports of decided cases, that has been administered by the common-law courts of …
  • Bonar Law (prime minister of United Kingdom) : Prime minister of Great Britain from Oct. 23, 1922, to May 20, 1923, the first holder of that office to come from a British overseas possession.
  • Soviet law: Law developed in Russia after the communist seizure of power in 1917 and imposed throughout the Soviet Union in the 1920s.
  • Germanic law: The law of the various Germanic peoples from the time of their initial contact with the Romans until the change from tribal to national territorial law.
  • international law: The body of legal rules, norms, and standards that apply between sovereign states and other entities that are legally recognized as international actors.
  • talion (law): Principle developed in early Babylonian law and present in both biblical and early Roman law that criminals should receive as punishment precisely those …
  • natural law: In philosophy, a system of right or justice held to be common to all humans and derived from nature rather than from the rules of society, or positive law.
  • Scottish law:  The legal practices and institutions of Scotland. At the union of the parliaments of England and Scotland in 1707, the legal systems of the two countries were very …
  • bail (law): Procedure by which a judge or magistrate sets at liberty one who has been arrested or imprisoned, upon receipt of security to ensure the released prisoner’s …
  • jus gentium (Roman law): (Latin: “law of nations”), in legal theory, that law which natural reason establishes for all men, as distinguished from jus civile, or the civil law peculiar to one state …
  • sumptuary law: Any law designed to restrict excessive personal expenditures in the interest of preventing extravagance and luxury.
  • canon law (religion): Body of laws made within certain Christian churches (Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, independent churches of Eastern Christianity, and the Anglican
  • contract (law): In the simplest definition, a promise enforceable by law. The promise may be to do something or to refrain from doing something.
  • martial law: Temporary rule by military authorities of a designated area in time of emergency when the civil authorities are deemed unable to function. The legal effects of a …
  • interdict (law): In Roman and civil law, a remedy granted by a magistrate on the sole basis of his authority, against a breach of civil law for which there is no stipulated remedy.
  • Draconian laws (ancient Greek law): Traditional Athenian law code allegedly introduced by Draco c. 621 bce. Aristotle, the chief source for knowledge of Draco, claims that his were the first written …
  • procedural law: The law governing the machinery of the courts and the methods by which both the state and the individual (the latter including groups, whether incorporated or …
  • comparative law : Microcomparison: Examination of comparative legal systems and of the relationships of the law to the social sciences.
  • vagrancy (law): State or action of one who has no established home and drifts from place to place without visible or lawful means of support.
  • Japanese law: The law as it has developed in Japan as a consequence of a meld of two cultural and legal traditions, one indigenous Japanese, the other Western.
  • civil law (law): On the Continent, the revived study of classical Roman law had an immense influence upon the developing law of contract. It stimulated the rediscovery or …
  • comparative law: Examination of comparative legal systems and of the relationships of the law to the social sciences. Historical development of comparative law.
  • legacy (law): In law, generally a gift of property by will or testament. The term is used to denote the disposition of either personal or real property in the event of death.
  • Greek law: Legal systems of the ancient Greeks, of which the best known is the law of Athens. Although there never was a system of institutions recognized and observed by …
  • negligence (law): In law, the failure to meet a standard of behaviour established to protect society against unreasonable risk. Negligence is the cornerstone of tort liability and a …
  • United States : Domestic law enforcement: Traditionally, law enforcement in the United States has been concentrated in the hands of local police officials, though the number of federal law-enforcement …
  • exile and banishment (law): Prolonged absence from one’s country imposed by vested authority as a punitive measure. It most likely originated among early civilizations from the practice of …
  • jurisprudence (law): Science or philosophy of law. Jurisprudence may be divided into three branches: analytical, sociological, and theoretical.
  • Anglo-Saxon law: The body of legal principles that prevailed in England from the 6th century until the Norman Conquest (1066). In conjunction with Scandinavian law and the …
  • English law: The English constitution and the English common law grew up together, very gradually, more as the result of the accretion of custom than through deliberate.

And much more.For an inexhaustive list of the countries with common law and civil law systems, go to


Outdated Terms

These may include the following:

1. Barmote Court – name applied to courts held in the lead-mining districts of Derbyshire
2. Bocland, Bookland – an original mode of tenure of land, also called charter-land or deed-land
3. Brigandage – robbery and plundering committed by armed bands, often associated with forests or mountain regions
4. Castle-guard – an arrangement under the feudal system, by which the duty of finding knights to guard…
5. Cestuy; Cestui – an Anglo-French word, meaning ii that person, which appears in the legal phrases cestui que trust, use, or vie…
6. Chance medley – old term in English law for a form of homicide arising out of a sudden affray or quarrel
7. Charter-party – contract between merchant and shipowner
8. Chartered companies –
9. Church Rate – the name of a tax formerly levied in each parish in England and Ireland for the benefit of the parish church. Establishment of religion and antidisestablishmentarianism.
10. Commercial court –
11. Commercial treaty –
12. Commers – German term for the German students social gatherings
13. Commissionaire –
14. Common lodging-house – a house, or part of a house, where persons of the poorer classes are received for gain, and in which they use one or more rooms in common with the rest of the “inmates”…
15. Conditional fee – “in English common law, a fee or estate restrained in its form of donation to some particular heirs…”
16. Conditional limitation –
17. Confession and avoidance – “in pleading, the plea admitting that facts alleged in a declaration are true, but showing new facts by which it is hoped to destroy the effect of the allegations admitted…” short article
18. Confirmation of bishops – “In canon law confirmation is the act by which the election of a new bishop receives the assent of the proper ecclesiastical authority.” Likely covered already, so check.
19. Conseil de Famille – in France, an institution for the protection of the interests of minors
20. Consistory courts –
21. Consolidation Acts – “The practice of legislating for small portions of a subject only at a time, which is characteristic of the English parliament, produces as a necessary consequence great confusion in the statute law.”
22. Consulate of the Sea – “a celebrated collection of maritime customs and ordinances in the Catalan language, published at Barcelona in the latter part of the 15th century.” Might be transferrable as it is taking about a specific work.
23. Coparcenary – in law, the descent of lands of inheritance from an ancestor to two or more persons possessing an equal title to them
24. Corrupt practices – a term used in English election law
25. Culprit – the prisoner at the bar, one accused of a crime
26. Cumnock and Holmhead See Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock (UK Parliament constituency). The Brits name their parliamentary constituencies; we Americans merely number them.
27. Customary freehold – “in English law, a species of tenure which may be described as a variety of copyhold.”
28. Denizen – English legal term
29. Detainer – in law, the act of keeping a person against his will…
30. Disorderly house – in law, a house in which the conduct of its inmates is such as to become a public nuisance; — often a euphemism for a brothel or unlicensed drinking-den
31. Dogmatic theology – Dogma
32. Donatio mortis causa – (grant in case of death), in law, a gift of personal property made in contemplation of death…
33. Ecclesiastical Commissioners –
34. Ecclesiastical jurisdiction –
35. Employer liability –
36. ‘English finance – renamed History of the English fiscal system
37. Engrossing – “a term used in two legal senses: (I) the writing or copying of a legal or other document in a fair large hand (en gros), and (2) the buying up of goods wholesale in order to sell at a higher price so as to establish a monopoly.”
38. Establishment of a port –
39. Estate and house agents –
40. Feu – in Scotland, the commonest mode of land tenure
41. Frank-Almoign – in the English law of real property, a species of spiritual tenure…
42. Germanic Laws –
43. Early Germanic Laws –
44. Imperial Chamber – the supreme judicial court of the Holy Roman Empire
45. Judgment debtor –
46. Judgment summons –
47. Labour legislation –
48. Lapse – a law term
49. Law for children – Child labor laws? Law relating to children?
50. Law Relating To Nonconformity – relates to Nonconformism
51. Laws relating to seamen –
52. Legal maxim – A maxim is an established principle or proposition, legal stuff
53. Lincoln Judgment – celebrated English ecclesiastical suit
54. Liquor laws –
55. Lords Justices of Appeal –
56. Maiming – probable legal term (seems to be the thrust of the article)
57. Makingup price –
58. Man-traps – trap set to catch trespassers or poachers
59. Mare Clausum and Mare Liberum – legal terms (chiefly 17th century, see Hugo Grotius)
60. Maritime territory – legal term
61. Mark system – “the name given to a social organization which rests on the common tenure and common cultivation of the land by small groups of freemen”
62. Medical jurisprudence –
63. Memorandum of Association – “in English company law a document subscribed to by seven or more persons associatec for any lawful purpose, by subscribing to which, and otherwise complying with the, requisitions of the Companies Acts in respec of registration, they may form themselves into an incorporatec company, with or without limited liability.” = the entire article
64. Mercantile agencies –
65. Monetary Conferences –
66. Money-Lending – lending of money on usury
67. Moolvie – the name used in India of a man learned in Mahommedan law
68. National Workshops –
69. Navigation Laws – prolly obsolete
70. North Sea Fisheries Convention –
71. Offence against the person –
72. Ouster Legal term, better suited to a dictionary
73. Overt Act – in law, an open act, one that can be clearly proved by evidence
74. Payment –
75. Payment of members – paying a state salary to members of the legislative body
76. Peace Conferences –
77. Perquisite – term properly used of the profits which accrue to the holder of an office over and above the regular emoluments…
78. Polygenists – term applied to those anthropologists who contend that the several primary races of mankind are separate species of independent origin
79. Press laws – may have some useful info on press freedom, etc.
80. Proces-verbal – in French law, a detailed authenticated account drawn up by a magistrate, police officer, or…
81. Provision – a term meaning strictly the act of providing… (legal term)
82. Provisional Order – procedure followed by several government departments in England, authorizing action on the part of local authorities under various acts of parliament (1911)
83. Court of Quarter Sessions – ancient English legal term
84. Refresher – English legal phraseology, a further or additional fee paid to counsel…
85. Regrating eb1911 – “in English criminal law, was the offence of buying and selling again in the same market, or within four miles thereof”
86. Respite – properly a delay, given for the further consideration. of some matter, hence relief. In law the term is used of the postponement of the immediate execution of the law in criminal cases, e.g. by binding a convicted prisoner over to come up for judgment when called upon, or when a case is respited from one quarter sessions to another. The word is loosely used in the sense of a reprieve. This is the entire article.
87. Reversion remainder – English law a remainder or reversion is classed either as an incorporeal hereditament…
88. Court of Rota – one of the departments of the medieval papal organization
89. Roundsman System eb1911 – in the English poor law, a plan by which the parish paid the occupiers of property to employ the applicants for relief
90. Statute merchant – Statute Stable, two old forms of security, long obsolete in English practice; legal terms
91. General-Governorship of Steppes –
92. Tenant-right eb1911 Legal term.; part of 1911 tenant article
93. Trade organization –
94. University court – in the English universities of Oxford and Cambridge, courts of inferior jurisdiction…
95. Valuation and Valuers –
96. Vavassor – in its most general sense a mediate vassal; legal term

See Also

List of Law Journal Articles Publication Frequency
List of England and Wales Case Law Reports
List of Irish Courts
List of Courts



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