Circuit Judge

Circuit Judge in United Kingdom

Definition of Circuit Judge

In accordance with the work A Dictionary of Law, this is a description of Circuit Judge : Any of the judges appointed under the provisions of the Courts Act 1971 from among those who have had a ten-year Crown Court or county court *advocacy qualification, or who are *recorders, or who have held a full-time appointment of at least three years duration in one of the offices listed in the Courts Act 1971. They sit in the *county courts and the *Crown Court and may, by invitation of the Lord Chancellor, sit as High Court judges. All judges of county courts and other judges of comparable status were made circuit judges in 1971.


See Also

Further Reading

Circuit Judge (including senior circuit and resident senior circuit judges) in relation with the Courts and Tribunals in England

Circuit judges are appointed to one of seven regions of England and Wales and sit in the Crown and County Courts within their particular region. Some circuit judges deal specifically with criminal or civil cases, some are authorised to hear public and/or private law family cases. Others may sit more or less on a full-time basis in specialised civil jurisdictions. Some circuit judges may be asked by the Lord Chief Justice (LCJ) to sit in the Criminal Division of the Court of Appeal.

Definition of Circuit Judge

Circuit judges sit in the crown court and the county courts.



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