Court Of Peculiars

Court Of Peculiars

English Law and Ecclesiastical Law: Court of Peculiars in the Past

The name of a court, which is a branch of and annexed to, the court of arches.


It has jurisdiction over all those parishes dispersed through the province of Canterbury, in the midst of other dioceses. In the other peculiars, the jurisdiction is exercised by commissaries. 1 Phill. R. 202, n.


There are three sorts of peculiars 1. Royal peculiars. 3 Phill. R. 245. 2. The second sort are those in which the bishop has no concurrent jurisdiction and are exempt from his visitation. 3. The third are depending on the bishop’s visitation and liable to his superintendence and jurisdiction. 3 Phill. R. 245; Skinn. R. 589. [1][rtbs name=”history-of-english-law”]


Notes and References

  1. Partialy, this information about court of peculiars is based on the Bouvier´s Law Dictionary, 1848 edition. There is a list of terms of the Bouvier´s Law Dictionary, including court of peculiars.

See Also



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