Street Violence

Street Violence

Street Based Youth Work Interventions in Street Violence

Pete Harris, from the Newman University College, made a contribution to the 2012 Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, in the category “Crime Prevention,” under the title “Street Based Youth Work Interventions in Street Violence”. Here is the abstract: The “problem” of youth violence and what could be effective responses to it continues to occupy the minds of policy makers across the EU. Street based youth work has been identified as occupying a prime position in terms of its ability to understand youth violence perpetrated by and on young people, particularly in the environment of the street, and potentially intervene to prevent its occurrence. This paper will be based on a 2 year EU funded research project which sought to examine street based youth work interventions into street violence between young people. Using a Participatory Action Research methodology, peer researchers carried out workshops, focus groups and interviews with young people from Germany, Austria and Bradford and London in the UK, all of whom had some experience of violence as victims, perpetrators or witnesses and were in contact with street based youth workers. The research team was also followed by a film company throughout the process. This paper will utilise early film footage as well as data gathered by the peer researchers to outline the research process and its preliminary findings.[rtbs name=”criminology”]


See Also

Further Reading

  • “Street Based Youth Work Interventions in Street Violence”, by Pete Harris (Proceedings)



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